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Parental Support Page

At John Wilkinson Primary School and Nursery, we want to ensure that all of our children build secure Mathematical fluency and by the time they complete Year 6 they can recall basic mathematical facts quickly and fluently. 

We have some agreed learning “non-negotiable” mathematical facts, as follows:

By the End of Year 2


Know all number bonds to 20 (e.g. 12 + 8 = 20) and all number facts within 20 (e.g. 6 + 7 = 13)

By the end of Year 4

To have accessed all of their times table facts up to 12 x 12 (ready for the times table check).

By the end of Year 6

To be fluent in, and be able to recall, all times table facts up to 12 x 12.

These skills will be taught and rehearsed in school, but regular repeated practice is crucial in order to transfer facts into the long term memory so they can be retrieved easily.  Regularly working with your child at home is vital to the success of your child's mathematical knowledge which will stay with them for life. 

What will good Parent Partnership look like?

  • Parents will use the Maths Bookmarks that school share with them.
  • Parents will help their child to learn these facts using a ‘little and often’ approach.
  • Parents will use the short videos to understand how the Maths bookmarks are to be used.
  • Parents will aim to use the bookmarks with their child 4 x per week (2-3 minutes per night).
  • Parents will receive new bookmarks each half-term (or more frequently if fluency is reliably demonstrated and sustained).

Watch the Video to show how you can use your bookmark to subitise numbers to 5.

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Watch the Video to show how you can use your bookmark to rehearse and practice the numbers bonds to 10.

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Watch the Video to show how you can use your bookmark to learn your times tables facts.

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