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Curiosity Corner

When children are healthy, happy and safe, curiosity is ignited and learning is optimised. In this section, you will find out what children in school and nursery have been learning this week.

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  • Year 3 Simple Circuits

    Published 29/04/24

    Year 3 have been applying their knowledge of simple circuits to test objects to see if they are electrical conductors.

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  • Year 4 Broseley Dragon Art

    Published 29/04/24

    Year 4 continues to be inspired by the Broseley dragon in art.🐲👩‍🎨🧑‍🎨🖌

    For the last few weeks, they have focused on adding detail in lines and texture. They have created some fantastic dragons' eyes.

    Their next job is to make them out of clay!

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  • Spider Webs in Reception Class

    Published 29/04/24

    The Reception class have been finding out about spiders this week. They went to forest school and created their own giant web. They had great fun climbing through it!

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  • Toddler Group

    Published 29/04/24

    Lots of fun was had this week at Parent and Toddler group. The children especially enjoyed getting outside to explore and play! 😊

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  • Oral Hygiene in Nursery

    Published 29/04/24

    Nursery children have been thinking about the importance of oral hygiene. They really enjoyed keeping crocodile's teeth clean!

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  • Reception Trip to Exotic Zoo

    Published 22/04/24

    The Reception class braved the weather this week and had a lovely day at the Exotic Zoo. We saw lots of animals from different areas of the world, and it was a great start to our topic 'Amazing safari'.

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  • Year 4 Theatre Trip

    Published 22/04/24

    Year 4 had the most amazing time at Wolverhampton Grand theatre watching ''The Boy at the Back of the Class". The children were engrossed in the story and their behaviour was exemplary. 

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  • Year 5 Parliamentary Response

    Published 22/04/24

    Y5 recently wrote some persuasive letters about plastic waste to various snack companies and local MPs. We were delighted to receive a response from the MP for South Shropshire, Mr Philip Dunne. 😊✍️

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  • New Nursery Friends

    Published 22/04/24

    Children in nursery are settling back in really well after the Easter break, our new friends are enjoying some super activities! 😊

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  • Year 6 Recalling Knowledge

    Published 22/04/24

    ✨Year 6 have been recalling their knowledge on 3D shapes and nets.✨

    In pairs they first revised the properties of different 3D shapes and then used their notes to help them make an accurate 3D net.

    Here are some of their creations! 😊

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  • Year 5 Wartime Posters

    Published 16/04/24

    Y5 have had a great week learning about Wartime posters. We designed our own persuasive posters encouraging people to join in with the war effort.

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  • Year One Portraiture

    Published 16/04/24

    Year one are learning about portraiture in Art this term. This week we have been learning about different artists who paint self-portraits and we have used mirrors and sketching techniques to draw our own self portraits. Here are some examples of our fantastic work! 👩‍🎨🖌✏️

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